Saturday, 5 January 2013

Thoughts on Time


travelling at 977km/h 
Time & space are often misconceived by our human perspectives. Merely stating their relativity is not enough, yet understanding its true entity is impossible. Our mortality binds us to just one lifetime, a mere flick in galactic narrative. Our senses blind us to the true nature of materiality, the nothingness that separates every molecule. 
We are bound by our relative perspective, we stand still, the tide flows back, the sun shines still, yet all are shifting, we are travelling at 977km/h relative.

We live in a constant delusion, we are deluded in thinking we are immersed in a constant time, yet we live in a severely fragmented one. Time accelerates, stops, skips constantly, Individually we are broken, merely observing the present in a time-lapse.

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